Get To Know Pigeon šŸ¦šŸ’•

by Olivia Crosby on April 30, 2020

A middle school science teacher from Los Angeles opens a roller skate shop and never looks back! Is it the plot to a major motion picture or just Pigeonā€™s truth?  She may be modest about the amount of effort it takes to steer this ship but weā€™re here to set the record straight! Although Iā€™m sure she was voted ā€œlife of the partyā€ she should have been voted ā€œmost likely to succeed ā€œ because anything she builds or becomes a part of seems to flourish and fortify. Although she studied science and not business I canā€™t imagine anyone else being the ringmaster of this circus! Her ability to see the best in people, to value and trust their opinions and feelings, this is the type of leadership that makes her the boss we all call a friend. A wife, a mother, a multi-business owner, stay tuned to get to know Pigeon, the Boss Lady we all know and love! 


Name: Shayna/Pigeon

Pronouns: she/her

Sign: Taurus 

Hometown: Harbor City, CA

Favorite color: Yellow

Lucky number: #1

Favorite food: Cucumbers with chili powder, lime, and salt 



Q: How long have you been skating? How did you get started? 

A: I grew up in Southern California where skateboarding culture was heavy. I enjoyed skateboarding for about 5 years in my youth. Once I got a car that part of my life was basically over. On the flip side, Iā€™ve always played team sports! I was even varsity captain of my High School softball team. I missed these aspects of my life when I was a young adult so when I first found roller derby at 21 I knew it was for me! It brought the street skating feel in with the team sport. Literally perfect for me! I founded, am the President of, and skate for Beach Cities Roller Derby out of Long Beach, California. 


Q: What other hobbies/interests do you have outside roller skating? 

A: Science! I was a middle school science teacher before I became a roller skate shop owner. Itā€™s a big part of my life and how I see the world. From nature walks with my daughter to working in my garden with my husband. 


Q: When it comes to rink and park etiquette what rules of the playground do you feel are most important?

A: No grudges allowed! I love taking things that Iā€™ve learned from roller derby and applying it to all areas of skating and life. Most of the time when two people drop in on the same bowl or someone clips someone else at the roller rink itā€™s really no oneā€™s fault so no need to be nasty!

Q: What is currently on your feet? Got skates?! 

A: So funny you should ask because I just had my favorite pair of Doc Martens mounted on a reactor neo plate and I'm loving it! It hasnā€™t been long so Iā€™ll get back to you with an update!


Q: What is your favorite signature move or trick? What trick or move do you feel like describes you best or you are the proudest of mastering?

A: Hill Bombing for sure! I went to college in Santa Cruz (go Banana Slugs!) and thatā€™s where I fell in love with downhill carving. Such a rad way to get around Campus and the city, which was all hills. Iā€™ve taught so many hill bombing classes over the years itā€™s most definitely my signature move!

Q: Hopes for the skate world? As we grow as a sport, a culture, a community, what do you think is most important to implement? What do you think will set us back or set us up for success?

A:  My hope for the skate world is more respect! Iā€™m not into the cheap thrills, like oversaturated sex appeal or acting like a maniac. I think itā€™s important that thereā€™s no place a skater does not feel welcome, no skates that arenā€™t ā€œacceptedā€, no gatekeepers. Come one come all!

Q: Whatā€™s your favorite skate Jam? What gets you moving? Do you have a favorite artist, album, or song? Can we follow your playlist?

A: One that always gets me going is a band called A Day To Remember. If I'm getting tired going up a huge hill the breakdown hits and I always catch a second wind!

Q: Got gear? Who is currently protecting you? What do you love about them?

A: I LOVE my Smith Scab derby knee pads! Theyā€™re my favorite! They pack the same punch as a high profile pad but are much thinner! I have mine in pink size XL but they come in lots of other colors! For street skating, I like the Lux Armor Day Saver knee pads that I also wear size XL.


Q: What does skating mean to you and why would you recommend it to others?

A: Freedom and everybody deserve that, dude!

Q: What do you do at Pigeon's Roller Skate Shop?

A: Make sure my people get paid šŸ˜Ž


Q: Whatā€™s your favorite part of owning a skate shop? 

A: Making sure things are done right. HA! Not to sound like a control freak but I just wanna make sure things are fair. I hire my employees off their merit. I do business with companies and artists I support. I want every type of skater represented and to feel welcome in my shop. 

by Duckie on August 15, 2024

Itā€™s so fun to get to know you all. I love your name! Haha

by Michelle on August 15, 2024

Hi Pigeon, I just wanted to say that I think you are just so awesome. I started watching Indy Jamma Jones on YouTube because I was thinking about finally learning to roller skate. My triplets have been skating since they were three but I never got round to it. But it was seeing you bombing around so confidently with your normal sized body that made me realise that although I do not meet the typical aesthetic of skinny girl skating, it doesnā€™t mean I canā€™t canā€™t give it a go. So I bought some skates which arrived today. I am going to be a short, fat girl who skates and has fun and doesnā€™t worry about anyone elseā€™s opinions. But first I need to learn to stay uprightā€¦.

by Kayla on January 13, 2021

Love how you rebranded into Pigeonā€™s Roller skate shop! The site looks amazing and I canā€™t wait to buy new gear from you guys! Amazing job!!!

by Akosua on January 13, 2021

Thank you, Pigeon for standing up for what you believe in and reimagining this shop! Perfection at its finest.

by zoe on January 13, 2021

i love you guys so much!! iā€™m glad you finally took the reigns and really made this shop your own :) (also the new logo is totally cute. i love it!!)

by ELLIE PORTER on January 13, 2021

Love to see your smiling face. As I have been inspired to get my skates back out and roll its been you that helps with all the amazing videos you have been in. Always in the shadow with a smile ready to try anything your ability to step back when you could easily take the reins makes you an AMAZING chic! Love your spirit and your sweet smile! Get after it!!!!

by ELLIE PORTER on January 13, 2021

Love to see your smiling face. As I have been inspired to get my skates back out and roll its been you that helps with all the amazing videos you have been in. Always in the shadow with a smile ready to try anything your ability to step back when you could easily take the reins makes you an AMAZING chic! Love your spirit and your sweet smile! Get after it!!!!

by Neo on July 02, 2020

Love love love what youā€™re doing with your shop and site!! Love all the changes and what you and your team are representing!

by Sofia Alonso on July 02, 2020

Way to go Pigeon! So inspiring! This online store looks beautiful and I wish you the best of luck in this new journey. Gonna browse some stuff for my birthday!

by Ali Ancheta on August 15, 2024

Hello from Las Vegas,

I am a fan and promote your business and adventures whenever possible. I have been a customer of planet roller skate since September 2019. I purchased an adult size stroller for my 24 year old daughter with special needs. We skate in the bike lanes in the evening when it cools off, or in the early morning when I drop her off at adult day care. I have LED lights on the stroller wheels and I wear the illuminated wheels(purple). We make people happy when they see us coming, and I want to thank you for making that possible. Thank you for being body positive also, I feel beautiful when I skate. Ali and daughter Tabitha

by Quesa Delia on July 02, 2020

Pigeon is such a great inspiration! Thanks for all you do :)

by Turquoise Trotter on May 03, 2020

Omg I love everything about this interview and getting to know the woman who makes it all happen! Iā€™m so inspired by you and you skill and passion for rollerskating and I canā€™t wait to learn how to hill bomb just like you. Rollerskating saved my life so thank you for paving the way Ms. Pigeon


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