Get To Know Andi

by Olivia Crosby on May 07, 2020

Andi didn’t know it back then but she’s been preparing for this job since she was 10! That’s some dedication! A life long skater and a Long Beach local who made a name for herself around town by being a kind and caring individual both on and off skates. Like a true fire sign, she lights up the room and knows how to make everyone feel welcome! She may be our most recent hire but she felt like family on day one! Welcome to the team Andi, we’ve been waiting for you just as long as you’ve been waiting for us!


Name: Andi
Pronouns: she/her
Sign: Leo
Hometown:  Fountain Valley, Ca
Favorite color: All shades of pink!
Lucky number: 9,358
Favorite food: All of it! 




 Q: How long have you been skating? How did you get started? 

A: I was lucky enough to grow up near Fountain Valley Skating Center and was a bit of a rink rat from about ten through junior high. One of my friends at the time gave me some hand-me-down skates and I fell in love with skating and going to the rink with friends. I didn’t go just to hang with friends, though, I was out on that floor the whole time! 

Q: When it comes to rink and park etiquette what rules of the playground do you feel are most important?

A: Be there to skate! Encourage yourself and one another! Making things feel competitive or making it about anything besides enjoying yourself and others just ain’t it. 


Q: What's currently on your feet? Got skates?! 

A: Honestly I’m still in love with my first pair of floss Lolly’s, they’re dear to me! I painted the heel black and put a white Sunlite plate on them and I love how they look and feel. I usually have Moxi Fundae wheels or RollerBone Elites on! I have a mismatched pair of Jack’s that just came, black and strawberry! These are my first pair of Jack’s and I am already obsessed. Can’t wait to fully break them in and take them to the skatepark! 

Q: What is your favorite signature move or trick? What dance trick or move do you feel like describes you best or you are the proudest of mastering?

A: Airs and rotations! Stalls too! Just that feeling when I’m up in the air dancing and floating, mixed with the thrill of it. Can’t beat that!

Q: Hopes for the skate world? As we grow as a sport, a culture, a community, what do you think is most important to implement? What do you think will set us back or set us up for success?

A:  My hope for the skate world is that we don’t lose that element of acceptance that so many other sports/hobbies sometimes lack. I think it’s awesome that there isn’t really a look or a way you’re “supposed” to be. It’s all about individuality and self-expression. Don’t let that part die.


Q: What’s your favorite skate Jam? What gets you moving? Do you have a favorite artist, album, or song? Can we follow your playlist?

A: Man I love making playlists! I’ve got a couple skate themed ones, SK8 D8 and shop bops! But I’m really a mood by mood kinda person when it comes to music. If I had to pick a favorite or an any-time jam, I’d probably say Destiny's Child or Sade!

Q: Got gear? Who is currently protecting you? What do you love about them?

A: I’ve got to say I’m really happy with how long my Smith Scab leopard set is lasting and protecting me. I’m a small person so I like how low-profile this gear is while still being sturdy. I’m a big fan of gear! I try to wear it as regularly as I can because having to take months off of work and have surgeries and spend a bunch of money is just not cool! Let’s try to avoid that as much as possible ha!

Q: What does skating mean to you and why would you recommend it to others?

A: It’s therapy. Freedom. A way to express yourself. Instant joy! I’m so thankful for the positivity that it’s brought into my life and the way it’s shown me so many of my own body’s unique abilities. Thankful for my amazing group of friends and creating @las.quadrinas, and the loving community that’s been created through it! 

Q: In your own words, what do you do at Pigeon's Roller Skate Shop?

A: I troubleshoot issues and assist with all things roller skate! I try to ensure that people are helped to the fullest while shopping at Pigeon's Roller Skate Shop. I help people get familiar with maintenance and equipment for a new hobby that I believe is a positive investment! I love it!

Q: What’s your favorite part of working at a skate shop? 

A: Watching someone create their dream skate and being able to be a part of that! I love seeing everyone’s individual style expressed through what they choose. I really relate because I’ve been there! I’ve been that super stoked skater putting together their masterpiece that they’ve been dreaming about forever! I also feel like I manifested getting the job! I thought about it and wanted it for years so it’s really special for me to be a part of this team.


Q: What other hobbies/interests do you have outside roller skating?  

A: Photography! It’s been a hobby of mine since I was young. I dabble in both film and digital. I’m seriously mesmerized by the ability to capture time. To immortalize a moment and keep it forever. Whether it’s taking portraits of my beautiful friends or capturing fun moments skating, I just like to shoot.






















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